InicioIntroducciónCómo usar la herramienta¿Qué es?Lo que nos dijeron los usuariosPlanEstablezca un entorno habilitantePrioriceMonitoreo y evaluaciónEstablezca mecanismos de apoyoCree un plan de acciónImplemenciónEstablezca necesidadesElija un método de contrataciónRelaciónese con el mercadoEstablezca criterios de sostenibilidadElabore obligaciones del contratoSupervise la implementaciónDatos abiertos y progreso de mediciónOpciones para el uso de datosAdopción de CPSReducción de carbonoInclusión de géneroCosteo del ciclo de vidaGuía del SectorSector de la construcción (en inglés)Sector ICT (en inglés)
Herramientas descargablesDirectorio de recursosCasos de estudioGuías para las ecoetiquetasPreguntas frecuentesIn 2002 the Government of Namibia ran a tender for the construction of the Habitat Research Development Centre (HRDC), a research institution for sustainable construction. The project to build the centre itself also followed sustainability principles.
The main objective of the project was to promote traditional Namibian construction methods, which is able to sustainably responsible to some of the main challenges posed by the local climate. With this in mind, the tender process was designed using a two-stage tender system. In the first stage, suppliers were chosen, among other things, based on their construction experience, and their approach to sustainability and experimentation on site.
The two-stage tender process allowed the two suppliers selected in the first stage to work collaboratively on a Provisional Bill of Quantities (BOQ). This B included the alternative materials and methods that would be used for the project. The HRDC
was the first comprehensive attempt at sustainability in a public building in Namibia.