The program offers volunteer citizens a course through which they become accredited to carry out monitoring activities. Monitoring activities include assessing the information that the government publishes regarding the procurement of public works, and visiting building sites to ensure compliance with contract conditions. Volunteers can then report cases of non-compliance through a government portal. This open government mechanism has made it possible to respond to the population’s key complaints, including: corruption in the execution of works, access to public information, outdated public information systems, and the lack of transparency in relation to the use of public funds.
In 2020, there were over 10,000 accredited volunteers, who had visited over 1,900 public works, and verified access to information in more than 1,000 public investment processes. As a result of these activities, 4,457 alerts have been issued on situations of non-compliance, which have resulted in visits to construction sites and remote monitoring activities.
The program is seen as excellent value for money. It is now managed by 32 employees, and the investment increasing with time from US$17,770 in 2017, to US$87,851 in 2020.